What Is the Spark’dLens™?

The Spark'dLens is a ground-breaking discovery based on data and science.

Like a camera lens, it allows you to see your individual or your team’s work experience clearly; and, comes with the tools to impact change and measure progress.

The Spark’dLens frames what you are experiencing to empower you – as an individual or as a team – to take action to boost and support a positive work experience. 

The Spark’dLens frames individual work experience through two filters: meaning and progress, which are the key ingredients in creating passion at work. 

If meaning in one’s work and career are rich and abundant (i.e., what we do day-to-day matters to us and serves a greater goal); and, if progress moves at a pace that feels like we are making a difference and are being propelled forward; then, our Lens will show that we are Passionately Engaged. We will feel fulfilled and derive joy from our work.

The awareness of what drives meaning and what inspires a high sense of progress will empower you to protect and nurture those drivers of Passionate Engagement so the experience is sustainable and lasting.


The Spark’dLens also allows you to see why you are not in passion at work.

It diagnoses the imbalance in your work experience and shows you what to do about it.

  • Perhaps your sense of meaning is high but your sense of progress is sparse. Your work experience will be Frustrated. You care a lot but aren’t getting anywhere! The Spark’dLens enables you and your team to identify the specific obstacles to progress so you can regain that flow of forward movement and celebrate true achievement. 
  • Perhaps your sense of progress is high as the actions you take are giving you a sense of achievement; however, you’re not really sure you are deeply connected to the mission of your organization. And, no one really asks your input on things that matter. Your work experience is Disconnected so lacks the sense of purpose you desire.

The extent to which you are experiencing meaning and progress determines what your Lens will reveal about your emotional state at work. 

The Spark’dLens first allows you to see; then it allows you to take action.

Let me show you. 

Let’s say you care deeply about our career and work. You are inspired to work for your organization and you are focused on getting things done! However, the progress you hope for isn’t quite where you want it to be. This creates an Energized experience for you. 

This is a positive state but you’d really like to get it over the line and create a Passionate work experience for yourself.
So what do you do? 

You focus on signals of progress. In other words, you frame for progress. Spark’d provides the immediate and ongoing steps to do this, and progress is now/becomes measurable. 

Understanding what drives meaning and progress for YOU gives you control of your own work experience, based on the data and science of your individual experience. 

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