
Employee engagement
with individual accountability.


Using our practical, science-based tool called the Spark’dLens, we offer a customized employee engagement program delivered at the individual, team and company level.

Check out our explainer video below

Why Spark'd?

Why do some people thrive in their workplaces and others struggle?

Do your people feel they have meaningful work and a path for progress?

More than ever, attracting & retaining key talent is the highest priority in the digital workplace revolution.

Science-Based Questions

Typically, engagement surveys are comprised of unrelated, random questions that don’t “add up” to a conclusion, an overall picture of the organization, or an actionable direction; therefore, ROI is compromised.

Most importantly they only assess opinions not feelings.

The Individual is Key

What’s more, most surveys ignore the individual: no individual profiles and no personal ideas to action. Exceptional workplaces that attract, retain and secure talent are built from the ground up, not just the top down.

Our data and science have verified that when employees feel seen and become passionately engaged, organizations benefit in critical and immediately measurable ways.

Emotion vs. Opinion

Studies show employees stay or leave, based on how they feel. It is emotion, not opinion, that drives decisions – how employees work and whether they go or stay.


We can help scientifically measure the emotions of your team and their levels of engagement.

Spark'd Principles

Personalization, Empowerment, Accountability & Transparency
are now more powerful than ever.

These are the principles upon which Spark’d created its proprietary Measures, Spark'dLens and Individual Profiles - delivering insights for the 21st Century workplace.

Whether you have 20 or 20,000 employees, Spark’d is the only employee-experience survey that scientifically measures emotions – how people are feeling, rather than mere opinions – to crack the code as to why people feel the way they do.

When you know what’s in the hearts and minds of your employees, you will see your way forward. Engaging individuals and teams, personally and powerfully, makes the difference.

These Principles Produce Results:

The Spark'd Difference

The only survey that empowers the individual as much as managers & leaders.

Spark’d is the only Employee Experience Survey that gives individuals an accurate lens into their own hearts and minds.

Each person who participates in the Spark’d survey receives a confidential, personalized report. The Spark’dLens gives every person the information, the tools, and the insights they need to enhance their work experience and engagement.

Individual Accountability:

Everyone gains the knowledge and tools to work together to make their own work experience better, their team’s work life better, as well as the overall culture. Each employee, from the mail clerk to the CEO, receives insight through personalized data to support healthy interactions with the company. Employees become collaborators and partners, helping build a compelling culture, while creating their own place in it.

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Game-changing insight – for each individual. The profiles explain why someone feels the way he or she does. Our algorithm provides a description of the current state of engagement and why one feels this way.

Action Ready:

We identify the engagement drivers that are strengths and the blockers; and give specific ideas to action as well as best practices that are within the individual’s control.

The only survey that paints a true picture of a team’s emotional engagement state and offers:


Best Practices that are simple but impactful – applied to your sector


Execution ready and practical reporting


Resource light - Spark’d bears the administration, communication and action-planning burden


Transparency guaranteed as company results are integrated at all levels of reporting, down to the individual dashboard


Cost effective - full service program

Our data and science allow companies to truly see themselves and take collective action through tried and true best practices, while simultaneously empowering each employee — to take action in service of their own engagement.

Agility and speed to market are everything and the cost of employee turnover is debilitating. The bottom line: sluggish innovation and slow productivity result from poor EMOTIONAL connection to work, one’s career and the organization.

This is organizational health on a whole new level – personal fulfillment with measurable results bottom to top, inside and out.

How do you think your team feels?

click the appropriate emotional state:

Actions & Best Practices

Spark’d approaches action planning in an extremely pragmatic and impactful way: by customizing practices that will resonate with teams and employees and will register significant, positive results survey after survey.

Pages and pages of data, without a clear message and direction, leads many executives and managers into ‘analysis paralysis’. This results in non-action or cumbersome engagement programs which delay impact and results.

Our reports contain algorithms that highlight the 3 most relevant strengths, the 3 most critical focus areas plus, as an added bonus, the 3 key drivers of retention with the 3 reasons employees might be tempted to leave. Focus creates traction and impact, giving you the ROI you desire.

Our reports are automated so clients can get to work right away on making a difference.

Integrates with
other solutions.

Commitments, historical data, contractual obligations or familiarity prevent creating a “stacked” program that leverages the best of multiple vendors to increase efficacy. Spark’d believes in collaboration and synergizing strengths to provide unique solutions. We welcome the opportunity to add bench strength to your engagement program.

We create customized solutions to complement your current program.

We can integrate with your existing solutions to jump start programs that have slowed and need a refresh.

We work at the individual level to ensure everyone participates and receives benefits, including personally.

We work with other vendors to integrate our models, data and insights to strengthen or broaden other programs, such as leadership development programs, wellbeing programs, career development programs as well as the core employee engagement program.

Request a 30-minute consultation to see if our individual reports might be right for your program

The Spark'd Difference

The only survey that empowers the individual as much as managers & leaders.

Spark’d is the only Employee Experience Survey that gives individuals an accurate lens into their own hearts and minds.

Each person who participates in the Spark’d survey receives a confidential, personalized report. The Spark’dLens gives every person the information, the tools, and the insights they need to enhance their work experience and engagement.

Individual Accountability:

Everyone gains the knowledge and tools to work together to make their own work experience better, their team’s work life better, as well as the overall culture. Each employee, from the mail clerk to the CEO, receives insight through personalized data to support healthy interactions with the company. Employees become collaborators and partners, helping build a compelling culture, while creating their own place in it.

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Game-changing insight – for each individual. The profiles explain why someone feels the way he or she does. Our algorithm provides a description of the current state of engagement and why one feels this way.

Action Ready:

We identify the engagement drivers that are strengths and the blockers; and give specific ideas to action as well as best practices that are within the individual’s control.

The only survey that paints a true picture of a team’s emotional engagement state and offers:


Best Practices that are simple but impactful – applied to your sector


Execution ready and practical reporting


Resource light - Spark’d bears the administration, communication and action-planning burden


Transparency guaranteed as company results are integrated at all levels of reporting, down to the individual dashboard


Cost effective - full service program

Our data and science allow companies to truly see themselves and take collective action through tried and true best practices, while simultaneously empowering each employee — to take action in service of their own engagement.

Agility and speed to market are everything and the cost of employee turnover is debilitating. The bottom line: sluggish innovation and slow productivity result from poor EMOTIONAL connection to work, one’s career and the organization.

This is organizational health on a whole new level – personal fulfillment with measurable results bottom to top, inside and out.

How do you think your team feels?

click the appropriate emotional state:

Actions & Best Practices

Spark’d approaches action planning in an extremely pragmatic and impactful way: by customizing practices that will resonate with teams and employees and will register significant, positive results survey after survey.

Pages and pages of data, without a clear message and direction, leads many executives and managers into ‘analysis paralysis’. This results in non-action or cumbersome engagement programs which delay impact and results.

Our reports contain algorithms that highlight the 3 most relevant strengths, the 3 most critical focus areas plus, as an added bonus, the 3 key drivers of retention with the 3 reasons employees might be tempted to leave. Focus creates traction and impact, giving you the ROI you desire.

Our reports are automated so clients can get to work right away on making a difference.

Integrates with
other solutions.

Commitments, historical data, contractual obligations or familiarity prevent creating a “stacked” program that leverages the best of multiple vendors to increase efficacy. Spark’d believes in collaboration and synergizing strengths to provide unique solutions. We welcome the opportunity to add bench strength to your engagement program.

We create customized solutions to complement your current program.

We can integrate with your existing solutions to jump start programs that have slowed and need a refresh.

We work at the individual level to ensure everyone participates and receives benefits, including personally.

We work with other vendors to integrate our models, data and insights to strengthen or broaden other programs, such as leadership development programs, wellbeing programs, career development programs as well as the core employee engagement program.

Request a 30-minute consultation to see if our individual reports might be right for your program

The Science

With over 25 years of applied global research and 10,000 users, Spark’d delivers relevant insight and benchmarks.

Spark’d starts with science and ends with results.

Our proprietary measures and models, called the Spark’dLens, provide data and practices for individuals, teams and organizations that deliver quantifiable, predictable results.

Why Science Matters

We measure the actual emotional reality of your employees and  not simply their opinions.

The science of emotion is data driven, enabling people to make constructive, immediate, and informed change from the employee level to the organizational level.

Science eliminates the guesswork: the questions to ask are known (30 is all you need!); and, the data that results is reliable.

You will be able to direct your time, efforts and resources on areas that will make the greatest difference and result in ROI.

Our validated and proprietary Spark’dLens allows individuals to situate themselves in their work and to self-coach through an understanding of our 8 Engagement States.

25 years and tens of thousands of surveys and action plans later, we have the data and science that gives leaders actionable insight into their people, and indivdiuals, the knowledge and power to own their work experience and engagement.

Check out this article: What is the Spark’d Lens?


At Spark’d we are passionate about helping employees become fully engaged in their work. We know that when that happens, they contribute more, stay longer and help to attract other like-minded people to the organization they work for. Everyone wins. Effective employee listening plays a vital role in building and sustaining successful organizations. Our proven, science-based approach results in lasting change. Take a look at some of our short articles below and if you’d like to find out more, please contact us – we’d be delighted to hear from you.

Getting Company Values off the Wall and Into Practice!

Andy Buting, CEO of Tulip Media Group, got my attention recently when he spoke about the prominence of values in his day-to-day workplace.

Employee Engagement: An Overused and Abused Term

Employee Engagement: An Overused and Abused Term 21 million entries in the Google search engine alone. If you examine a few pages of online references for the term “employee engagement,” you might notice that it’s often used as an attention grabber to associate a (sometimes random) product or service with this highly-sought-after-benefit. Given the employee engagement market is a whopping $1 billion in the USA alone and expected to grow to $3 billion by 2032, it is no wonder. However, this can leave those who are trying to sort through all the options and claims a little perplexed. What is employee engagement really? Is it morale? Happiness? Contentment? Satisfaction?  What if I said none of the above?  Let’s look at morale. Recently, I’ve seen claims that employee perks, such as gym memberships, will increase your employee engagement. Well, if they mean morale, perhaps. One researcher from ODU University found some evidence for this.  Morale has varying definitions; however, I like Jim Whitehurst’s. A former IBM president and COO of Delta Airlines, Whitehurst describes morale as “… something temporary and fleeting—something tied to day-to-day conditions in an organization. It’s also fairly easy for leaders to influence (for example, by offering a new workplace perk).” Employers often chase morale, instead of investing in engagement, without lasting effects. What about employee happiness? This perhaps sounds more profound and substantive. This, too, has many definitions from a sense of overall wellbeing to “having little reluctance to do their job.” Others define it as “a positive attitude” or “contentment”. These definitions seem rather thin and promoters often suggest practices such as focusing on work-life balance, praising people, wellbeing perks, more fun and social activities. states that happiness “isn’t a long-lasting, permanent feature or personality trait, but a more fleeting, changeable state.” Much like morale, confusing happiness with employee engagement can cost companies a lot of money, time and effort invested in special events and programs that, ultimately, will deliver only short-term results, when it comes to deepening engagement. Employee satisfaction brings us closer to employee engagement; however, this term is often associated most with contentment. Our research shows that those who feel content are certainly not problematic; however, it is also not a state where people feel deeply fulfilled and go the extra mile. In fact, it is quite a “typical” feeling, according to our 20+ years of research. We name this state of engagement Neutral and describe it as follows: Feel somewhat challenged and fulfilled Get your work done Take things in stride Don’t get too worked up about things   So, if morale, happiness and contentment are not sufficient descriptions for employee engagement, what is? Spark’d has been researching and measuring how employees feel about their work for decades, discovering eight different states of engagement – some producing positive effects, such as productivity and profitability, and some leading to negative effects, produced by feelings of frustration, stagnation and lack of connection. How do we define employee engagement? We describe the highest level of engagement as “Passionately Engaged,” created when individuals are doing highly meaningful work at a pace that feels like real progress. When people are so deeply engaged, the work experience is profoundly different than those who “have little reluctance to do their job.” Work objectives and goals are largely aligned with personal aspirations and values; therefore, people naturally and enthusiastically take action in service of that which matters most. Research has clearly demonstrated that passionate engagement leads to productivity anywhere from 20%-40% more than a typical employee and passionate workforces increase profitability by up to 20%. What produces a sense of high meaning and progress within each of us can be quite diverse; however, how the state is described in very similar ways. After diagnosing thousands of passionately engaged individuals, we have found that most hold these characteristics: Believe their work matters Feel consistently energized Are motivated to take action to achieve progress Know how to pace work appropriately by prioritizing the most important work Experience their work as appropriately challenging and stimulating Celebrate their work achievements regularly Experience their work as fulfilling Passionate engagement is anything but a fleeting or fickle state. And, when individuals and teams understand what drives meaning and progress for them, they are no longer vulnerable to anyone’s passing whims; instead, they can own their own engagement and take action to sustain this powerful state over time and despite changing circumstances. To learn more, check out our new website!

About Us

We started off curious about why some people were passionate about their work and others struggled. We listened to people’s frustrations and joys and asked lots of questions! Over time, we developed a working model that resonated with our participants across many continents.

Through our findings, our aim is to ignite passion, productivity and performance and give people the knowledge and tools to create passionate work experiences and workplaces.

We are a leading, specialty employee engagement company, making significant contributions in the field of employee motivation and passion. Spark’d enjoys global reach through affiliates in Europe, Asia, Australia and North America.

With 25 years of research and consulting, Spark’d equips individuals, leaders and organizations with science-based tools and best practices to provide the insight required for impactful results.

If individuals are able to self-actualize at your workplace, they will stay.”

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